Picking up where January's Career Week and Open Studio leave off, B(l)ackspace: Episode 4 delves into the intersection of identity, representation, and authenticity within creative entrepreneurship. Special guests include Tobi Ashiru, co-founder of Poche Design Studio and Silas Munro, co-founder of Polymode. This episode is hosted by La'keem Timothy (M.Arch 1 '24). After the conversation, audience members can enjoy a mini gallery walk to view students' personal works.
B(l)ackspace aims to provide a safe and reimagined space for the SCI-Arc community, with free drinks, delicious food, good music, and even better conversations.
BLACK: /blak/ adjective
1. A color that absorbs all the colors of the visible spectrum and reflects none of them
2. Of African or Aboriginal ancestry
B(l)ackspace: Episode 4
W.M. Keck Lecture Hall
February 02, 2024 at 6:00pm