SCI-Arc EDGE, Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture is holding its annual public symposium on August 29 through August 31 to review the work of its graduating students. Each postgraduate program will present its year-in-review and host an open discussion to examine the topics currently being explored within the SCI-Arc EDGE degree programs.
EDGE Symposium III
Thursday, August 29, 7pm-9pm Opening Reception at A+D Museum
Friday, August 30, 10am-1pm Design of Cities, W.M. Keck Lecture Hall
Friday, August 30, 2pm-5pm Architectural Technologies, W.M. Keck Lecture Hall
Friday, August 30, 7pm-10pm Fiction and Entertainment, W.M. Keck Lecture Hall
Saturday, August 31, 4pm-7pm Design Theory and Pedagogy, Space 5 (next to Keck Hall)
Saturday, August 31, 7pm-10pm Closing Party, Parking Lot with DJ Juan Rincon (DTP '19)
Opening Reception at A+D Museum
SCI-Arc External A+D Museum
The opening reception for the EDGE Symposium features an exhibition, Speculations at the Edge, showcasing graduating student work from the Architectural Technologies and the Design of Cities postgraduate programs. Architectural Technologies students have been investigating how new technological paradigms emerging from advanced computation, automation, artificial intelligence, machine vision, and augmented reality might alter the way we inhabit space and developed design projects experimenting with material, environmental, aesthetic, and cultural implications. Design of Cities students explored the emerging phenomenon of extraterritoriality and urbanism in a post-nation-state society. Free economic zones, platform economies, and mitigation strategies of the Anthropocene are examined as alternative concepts for the contemporary city.
Design of Cities
Program Coordinator: David Ruy
Faculty Advisor: Ferda Kolatan
Design Review: Friday, August 30, 10am-1pm
Being built unnoticed, but in plain sight, is a new form of urbanism that exists outside the traditional definitions of the nation state. Phenomena of extraterritoriality today is on the one hand, eminently pragmatic insofar as it addresses prosaic problems of taxation, trade, deregulation, and investment. On the other hand, the conceptual problems that emerge from extraterritorial space are spectacularly esoteric and alien. Though the current attraction towards designating space outside the direct jurisdiction of governments implies a possible future where the nation-state becomes obsolete, what is more likely is a new stage in the evolution of governmentality where the nation-state utilizes extraterritorial space as a necessary instrument. To examine this emerging phenomenon, students this year explored a simple question, what kinds of cities can be designed in extraterritorial space?
Hernan Diaz Alonso, John Enright, David Erdman, Erik Ghenoiu, Masha Hupalo, Damjan Jovanovic, Karel Klein, Helen Kongsgaard, Matthew Lopez, Elena Manferdini, Anthony Morey, Florencia Pita, Noemi Polo, Ryan Scavnicky, Clark Thenhaus, Justin Trudeau, Peter Trummer, Jon Yoder
Architectural Technologies
Program Coordinator: Marcelo Spina
Faculty Advisory: M. Casey Rehm
Design Review: Friday, August 30, 2pm-5pm
The Architectural Technologies program connects contemporary interests within the architectural discipline with the most advanced technological developments reshaping society and culture at large. With the aim of producing culturally significant architectural objects and artifacts, the program this year continued in its study of machine intelligence and vision. Using Lidar technology, artificial intelligence, and principles of automated assembly, Architectural Technologies students developed proposals ranging in scope, size, and aesthetics, examining implications for how we might inhabit space in the coming years.
David Erdman, Marcelyn Gow, Masha Hupalo, Damjan Jovanovic, Ferda Kolatan, Helen Kongsgaard, Zeina Koreitem, Matthew Lopez, Elena Manferdini, Anthony Morey, Noemi Polo, Casey Reas, Ryan Scavnicky, Clark Thenhaus, Justin Trudeau, Jon Yoder
Fiction and Entertainment
Program Coordinator: Liam Young
Faculty Advisory: Alexey Marfin
Film Screenings and Exhibition: Friday, August 30, 7pm-9pm
How we perceive the cultures and spaces around us is largely determined by mediums of fiction and entertainment. SCI-Arc’s Fiction and Entertainment program engages the techniques of film, animation, and gaming to imagine and visualize alternative worlds and tell new kinds of stories about the emerging conditions of the twenty-first century. Join our graduating students for the premiere screening and exhibition of their work with luminaries from LA’s entertainment industry discussing principles of worldbuilding and visual storytelling.
Monika Bielskyte, Shem Dawson, Mike Ellis, Seth Epstein, Samantha Gorman, Mike Hill, Andrew Thomas Huang, Kenric McDowell, Natalie Sun, Hajnal Molnar-Szakacs, Justin Trudeau, Mike Tucker, Holly Willis
Design Theory and Pedagogy
Program Coordinator: Marcelyn Gow
Faculty Advisor: David Ruy
Design Review: Saturday, August 31, 4pm-7pm
What constitutes an academic architectural career? How should we define it? Though architectural historians ruled the academy in premodern times, practitioners have risen in prominence during the modern period. Today, we see tension in architectural academia between the scholars (embodiments of architectural knowledge) and practitioners (embodiments of the profession). From this tension, we have seen emerge in recent years a new kind of hybrid scholar-practitioner that occupies the space of the design studio. What is still unclear are the possible pedagogies of this new hybrid figure. Both the pedagogies of knowledge-transfer and subjectivity-transfer are becoming progressively outmoded in the contemporary world, but new pedagogies have yet to emerge. We’ll review four very different experiments in this regard.
Garet Ammerman, Tim Durfee, David Erdman, Yara Feghali, Gary Fox, Jia Gu, Masha Hupalo, Dylan Krueger, Matthew Lopez, Anthony, Morey, Michael Osman, Florencia Pita, Khosro Salarian, Ryan Scavnicky, Clark Thenhaus, Justin Trudeau, Ingalill Wahlroos-Ritter, Claudia Wainer, Tom, Wiscombe, Henry Yang, Jon Yoder