From Bushfires to the Eaton Fire: Rebuilding after Disaster

Sponsored by the SCI-Arc Resilient Futures Task Force
The wildfires in Australia resonate with the traumatic experience of LA, where a similar dry climate has led to similar challenges. Architects and builders in Australia have done extensive work from policy to material construction practices that can show us opportunities and pitfalls as we pursue a safer, just reconstruction. Join us for the first of a series of themed discussions sponsored by SCI-Arc’s new Resilient Futures Task Force.
Prof. Mathew Aitchison, CEO of Building 4.0 Cooperative Research Centre, an industry-led research initiative co-funded by the Australian Government focused on building better, smarter, safer, faster and more sustainably, particularly in housing.
Mel Dodd, Dean of Art, Design, and Architecture at Monash University, principal on “Prefab Housing Solutions for Bushfire & Disaster Relief” for Building 4.0 CRC.
Erik Ghenoiu, Head of the SCI-Arc Resilient Futures Task Force