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· Applications Now Open

· Applications Now Open

· Applications Now Open

· Applications Now Open

· Applications Now Open

· Applications Now Open

· Applications Now Open

· Applications Now Open

SCI-Arc assures its faculty and administrators artistic and academic freedom in carrying out their assigned responsibilities. Faculty, students, administrators, trustees, and staff are committed to and supported in the free pursuit of knowledge and the expression of ideas.

Academic freedom allows members of the SCI-Arc community to examine all pertinent data, to question assumptions, to be guided by the evidence of scholarly research, and to teach and study the substance of a given field. Members of the SCI-Arc community are free to follow any argument and any point of inquiry, wherever it may lead. Those at SCI-Arc are free to share their convictions and responsible conclusions with their colleagues and students in their teaching and writing without fear of reprisal.

As members of the SCI-Arc community, the faculty shall recognize the special responsibilities placed upon them to: encourage the free pursuit of learning in their students; adhere to their proper roles as intellectual or artistic guides; foster honest academic conduct; assure that their evaluation of students reflects the true merit of each student and acknowledges significant assistance from students where appropriate. They shall respect their students’ right to privacy, will avoid any exploitation of their students, and protect the intellectual/artistic freedom of each student.

As colleagues, faculty shall respect free inquiry in all intellectual and artistic endeavors. In the exchange of ideas and differences of opinion, faculty strives to maintain objectivity toward and respect for the creative efforts of their peers. Faculty members agree to accept their share of the responsibilities for the governance of SCI-Arc.

As intellectuals, artists, and educators engaged in a profession that depends upon freedom for its health and integrity, SCI-Arc faculty share the obligation to promote conditions of free inquiry and further the understanding of academic intellectual/artistic freedom.

When exercising the above freedoms as members of the SCI-Arc community, faculty should show respect for the opinions of others, and should indicate that they speak as an individual and not for SCI-Arc.

All matters pertaining to questions or challenges to academic freedom are to be addressed by the appropriate governing councils or committees with due process and respect for the privacy of the individual(s) involved.